Recology Ashland sells sets of 5 compostable bags for leaves year-round for $14.50/set at 170 Oak Street. The cost includes curbside pickup.
Each bag is nearly three feet tall and holds up to 35 pounds of leaves. From October 17th – October 28th, sets will be discounted to $10/set. There is a two-set limit at this discounted price.
The bags are for leaves only and are picked up on regular green debris service days. Customers who do not subscribe to Green Debris service may email Recology Ashland to schedule pickup. Any leftover bags may be used all throughout the year.
Recology will host three free community leaf collection events this year.:
Sunday, November 20th & Sunday, December 11th
Ashland Police Station
1195 East Main Street, 10 – 3 PM
Saturday, December 3rd
Talent City Hall
110 E. Main Street, 10 – 3 PM
Please arrive with your identification and be prepared to take your empty bags back home with you.
Leaves collected during all three events are donated to local farmers in Ashland and Talent. Those interested in receiving leaves produced from these events may email Jamie Rosenthal.
Recology, the City of Ashland, and the City of Talent thank you for taking advantage of these community leaf composting opportunities.
Questions? Email us at customerservice103@recology.com.