The inspiration for my work stems from a deep appreciation for all things related to textiles, clothing, and fashion.

My educational background is in design, with an emphasis on art to wear. For nearly 20 years, I maintained a weaving studio, taking on private clients, as well as showing work in exhibitions both locally and nationwide. Various aspects of my career in the textile arts have including weaving, surface design, quilting, apparel design, and costuming. My focus lately has been on teaching art, introducing students to a wide variety of fiber arts.

My father bought me my first Singer sewing machine when I was ten, and ever since that day, working with fabric became like breathing. Over the years, my definition of fabric has evolved. The most interesting materials to work with seem to be non-traditional.  I will attempt to weave or sew with almost anything. I’m completely obsessed with plastic; the tackier, the better.  Ordinary items such as shopping bags, shower curtains, rubber gloves, kitchen sponges, and hair curlers are used as ingredients for construction.  The apron is one of my favorite garment forms, as it has special significance as a symbol of women’s work and our many struggles.

Residency: August 2004 - October 2004
Art Exhibition: Friday, October 22  &  Saturday, October 23

Visit Sandy Drobny's website

Photos for this artist.