I’m drawn to the ephemeral quality of old newspapers, discarded letters, cards, paper and the remains of remnants of outdated technology and mechanisms. Individually, these remnants of the past may appear random and out of context, but when printed and layered together, a kind of alchemy occurs. Patterns begin to energy, new connections are created hinting at a greater whole, and at the same time these remnants emerge as reminders of the impermanent nature of this world and our place in it.

In my residency, I would like to continue to explore and to expand upon the work I’ve been doing the last several years. I’m fascinated with the way materials age and the beauty that can unfold in the process of decay. I create mandala-like works from old paper, newspapers, board games, green stamps, electrical diagrams, maps, books, and whatever else I can fold in. Transparencies help me create multi-layered compositions. I want to explore ways to create similar multi-layered compositions using only found items.

Photos for this artist.

Residency: September 2004 - January 2005
Art Exhibition: Thursday, January 22  &  Friday, January 23

Visit Mark Faigenbaum's website

Photos for this artist.