I create virtual environments where objects, characters, and narratives emerge: 3D models become sculptures and paintings that in turn, become film props and sets. This cross-disciplinary practice centers on experimental filmmaking with a focus on the dualistic relationship between science and spirituality. More specifically, I investigate the human anxieties that stem from environmental and political turmoil and the increasing complexities of the human relationship to cyberspace. Manifested through film, video games, and user software, I utilize these mediums to redefine the pastiched narratives of modern storytelling and present our current state of cosmic horror through my own narrative language.

David Bayus
Thank You, Saint Anthony
Virtual Exhibition

Photos and Press release for this artist.

Residency: June 2022 - October 2022
Art Exhibition: Friday, October 14  &  Saturday, October 15  &  Tuesday, October 18

Visit David Bayus' website