Services Archives - Recology
California Cont.

Recology trucks provide collection services for many distinct commodities (garbage, recycle, compost, hazardous waste, abandoned waste, etc.).  One truck may arrive on your block to collect garbage materials, while another is collecting recyclable materials.  Customers may have multiple service days throughout the week to accommodate collection of all commodities.

We try our best to accommodate the needs of San Francisco citizens by making adjustments to collection schedules when possible. When submitting a noise complaint, information such as time of collection, description of the truck (truck #), and the service address(es), may improve our attempt to remedy the situation. All Recology trucks operate under the […]

Sometimes Recology drivers provide service to multiple customers without moving their collection truck. It usually takes a driver longer to collect material from customers who pay for service inside of their residence due to flights of stairs, hauling material a longer distance, and collecting mutliple bins per residence.  Drivers may be required to collect multiple […]

First, notify our Customer Service team by emailing  Please include information about the anticipated amount of extra compost material.  Then, use compostable bags to contain the material and place it next to your collection bin on your normal collection day.

You can lower your bill by decreasing your garbage cart size. In most cases, this is done hand-in-hand with increasing recycling or adding composting service. Protecting the environment is also good for your pocketbook!

You can mail in a check with your bill or pay online by making a one time payment. You can even set up automated billing through our website to receive bills via e-mail. Payments can also be dropped off at Recology San Mateo County’s office at 225 Shoreway Road in San Carlos. Recology’s office hours […]

Our Waste Zero Teams are here for you! Visit your local Recology to connect with a Waste Zero Specialist who will train your staff or tenants, provide signage and resources, and place recycling containers for convenience.

Visit your local Recology company for options for printed materials, or call customer service for special signage designed for your building. Sorting guides are available under resources with your Local Recology.

Residents who generate minimal garbage, or landfill bound materials be able to save money by reducing their garbage service level. Call your Recology company to see how they can “right size” your service based on material type and volume.