How do I create my online account?
Residential customers:
- Visit Seattle Public Utilities or call 206.684.3000.
Commercial Customers:
If you have not yet registered a username and password with Recology CleanScapes, you will need to do so to place online orders, view electronic invoices or make electronic payments. Registration only takes a moment. Follow these simple steps:
1. Locate your account number:
Your account number can be found on your Recology CleanScapes invoice. If you do not have an invoice handy, call customer service at 206.250.7500 to determine your account number.
2. Click “Login” at the top of this page:
Use your username and password to login to your Recology CleanScapes account. If you do not have a username and password follow the instructions below.
3. Register your account:
If you have not registered for a username and password, click on “sign up now if you have not registered before.” At the bottom of the registration form you will need to enter either an invoice number or the phone number we have on file. If you need to update the phone number, call 206.250.7500. When you have completed the form, click “submit.”
4. Check your email:
A confirmation email will be sent to your email. Open the email and click on the hyperlink to confirm your registration.
5. Login:
You can now return to the login page and use your newly registered username and password to login to your account. To place a new bag order, select the “Order Items” tab.