Is there curbside collection for household hazardous waste?

Curbside Collection
Recology CleanScapes offers a curbside Special Item Recycling program for the following household hazardous waste items:

  • Fluorescent tubes & bulbs
  • Household batteries
  • Used motor oil
  • Used cooking oil

Please place items next to or on top (not inside) cart. Contact customer service or visit the Special Item Recycling page for set out instructions and to request a pickup.

Drop Off
All other hazardous waste can be dropped off at King County Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Centers. For more information call the King County Hazardous Waste Hotline 206-296-4692 or 1-888-TOXIC-ED (869-4233).

For comprehensive hazardous waste disposal information, call King County’s Local Hazardous Waste Management Program at 206-296-4692 or visit

Download the Small Business Hazardous Waste Disposal flyer.