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Search Results: "Recycling"

348 results
Sign up for our monthly newsletter for tips to use resources wisely, generate waste only as necessary, and make simple changes that benefit our communities and the environment. Read Our Latest Features: A Guide to Less Plastic in 2021 Think about how many times you touch plastic throughout your day…your phone, remote control, a pen, […]
In honor of this year’s Earth Month theme: “Planet vs. Plastics”, Julia Mangin, Head of Sustainability at Recology, recently sat down for a Q&A to dispel some of the myths around recycling, discuss the complexities around the recycling process, and explain the importance of contributing to the circular economy. Read on for Julia’s answers to […]
SF ZERO WASTE INITIATIVES San Francisco is a progressive city when it comes to mandating recycling and composting initiatives. We work closely with city and state officials to develop legislation that benefits both the customer and the City’s sustainability goals. Refuse Separation Ordinance: Large Generators and Zero Waste Facilitators The Refuse Separation Ordinance (No. 180646), […]
Whether you’re a business owner, property manager, or resident of the Butte County, we work with you to tailor recycling, composting, and landfill programs based on your needs. While you’re helping to sort your materials, we’re finding new ways to reuse them.   YARD TRIMMINGS Leaves, branches, weeds, and plants go in the yard trimmings […]
Here at Recology we are incredibly thankful for the support we’ve received recently for our essential workforce, and we look forward to celebrating Waste & Recycling Workers Week with you June 14-20! To celebrate and highlight some of our amazing employee owners, we asked some of our drivers and Material Recovery Facility (MRF) workers to […]
At Recology, we work closely with city and state governments to ensure that our shared sustainability goals are made possible. Below are the most impactful pieces of recycling legislation pursuant to those goals – SB 1383, AB 341, AB 1826, AB 2176, and AB 827. SB 1383 SB 1383 builds upon California’s leading commitments to […]
We work closely with city and state government to ensure that our shared sustainability goals are made possible. The most impactful pieces of recycling legislation are AB 341 and more recently, AB 1826. AB 341 Mandatory Commercial Recycling Mandatory Commercial Recycling was among the first measures identified and adopted in the AB 32 Scoping Plan […]
CITY OF DAVIS ZERO WASTE INITIATIVES Customer Obligation To Separate Divertible Materials Davis Municipal Code 32.01.065 requires that trash, recycling and organic materials be separated and placed into the correct Recology Davis bins.  Recyclables and organics should never be placed in the trash and trash cannot be placed in the recycling or organics carts. Davis Construction […]
We work closely with city and state government to ensure that our shared sustainability goals are made possible. The most impactful pieces of recycling legislation are AB 341 and more recently, AB 1826. AB 341 Mandatory Commercial Recycling Mandatory Commercial Recycling was among the first measures identified and adopted in the AB 32 Scoping Plan […]
We work closely with city and state government to ensure that our shared sustainability goals are made possible. The most impactful pieces of recycling legislation are SB1383, AB 341, AB 1826. SB 1383 California Senate Bill 1383 (SB 1383) builds upon California’s leading commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution statewide. SB1383 will […]