Camp Fire Debris Disposal Services

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Property owners must use caution when choosing to perform any clean-up of fire generated debris as it may contain hazardous materials including asbestos, heavy metals or other toxins. Using a qualified and licensed abatement contractor is encouraged.

Ostrom Road Landfill

Ostrom Road Landfill

Recology Ostrom Road is a Class II landfill located in Yuba County, CA and provides solid waste disposal services to both municipal and commercial customers in the northern Sacramento Valley including Yuba, Sutter, Butte, Nevada, and Colusa Counties.

Recology Ostrom Road will accept Camp Fire cleanup debris including general debris, ash and soil, and non-hazardous asbestos containing waste. See All Services >

Recology Ostrom Road does not accept the following wastes:

  • Household Hazardous Wastes
  • Recyclable materials such as cans, plastic and bottles
  • Electronic Wastes
  • Appliances
  • Scrap Metals
  • Hazardous (Friable) Asbestos Containing Waste

Hay Road Landfill

Hay Road Landfill

Recology Hay Road provides solid waste disposal services to both municipal and commercial customers in the San Francisco Bay Area and the Sacramento Valley. The site is comprised of 640 acres, 256 of which are permitted as a Class II landfill.

Recology Hay Road will accept Camp Fire cleanup debris including general debris, ash and soil, non-hazardous asbestos, and hazardous asbestos containing waste. See All Services >

Recology Hay Road does not accept the following wastes:

  • Household Hazardous Wastes
  • Recyclable materials such as cans, plastic and bottles
  • Electronic Wastes
  • Appliances
  • Scrap Metals

Debris Box Services

Debris Box

Recology Butte Colusa Counties provides debris box, compactor and commercial recycling services to Butte and Colusa County residents and businesses.

Example materials collected include: concrete, wood, bricks, metals, asphalt, sheetrock, glass, porcelain, concrete, and dirt; corrugated cardboard, a variety of plastics such as PVC pipe, packaging, and yard or landscaping materials.

Reserve a Debris Box Online >