Due to inclement weather, all collection services are suspended until Monday, 2/10. Valley View Transfer Station is CLOSED, and the Ashland Recycling Center will remain open, weather permitting.
  • Collection: All collection services are suspended until Monday, 2/10. This includes residential, commercial, and roll-off services. Beginning Monday 2/10, please place carts at the curb on your regular service day. We will take extra bags (equivalent to one week’s worth of garbage) at no charge. **If there is a snowbank on the street, please place your carts in front of the snow so they are accessible to our drivers**
  • Valley View Transfer Station: The transfer station is CLOSED Friday 2/7. We are hoping to open Saturday, 2/8 at 9 AM, weather permitting. Conditions are poor on Valley View Rd and drivers should exercise caution.
  • Ashland Recycling Center: The recycling center is scheduled to be open regular hours from 9 AM – 5 PM, weather permitting. Roads are icy and customers should exercise caution.
Please know all operations may be impacted throughout the week as conditions develop. We will provide updates as conditions change. Thank you for your patience while we keep our drivers safe!